I think that one of the funny things about" bears" is that many of them appear as if they could be a bit rough work gruff. However, as soon as you meet most bears they are the kindest sweetest men that you could ever meet. I like the contrast between this man's sweet and kind face with the size of him and the blocky quality of his muscles and body.
I try to make the kitten a skinny contrast to the bulkiness of the bear. I also tried to paint them a little bit differently, trying to be a little bit more linear with the kitten and a little bit more blocky and shape oriented figure. The kitten is also painted a little bit more thinly while the bear and the space between them is a little bit thicker in terms of the paint texture quality.
It seems so weird to me how much violence there is in the world and how much kindness there is in the world as well. I suppose if we were looking for sort of cosmic plan it feels a little bit to me like some of the bad stuff in the world is there for contrast.
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Kenney Mencher
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