Exhibit opens: Friday, July 1st Exhibit ends: Saturday, August 6th Gallery hours: Friday - Sunday 12- 5 pm Artist Reception: Saturday, July 2nd, 2-4 pm
Manna Gallery 473 25th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 (between Broadway and Telegraph Ave.)

This exhibit features more than 30 paintings from my restaurant and night themes. All the paintings were completed in the last 12 months.
Last Two Workshops in California
Both workshops will take place at Wayne's Sanchez Art Center Studio, Pacifica, CA
Paint Like the Old Dutch Masters with Acrylic Workshop #2 7/23, 7/24, 7/30, and 7/31 from 10am to 4pm
This class is designed to help you take acrylic painting to the next level. Through a mixture of demos, hands-on painting sessions from photos or still life, you will learn Wayne Jiang’s unique acrylic glazing and layering techniques to paint like the old Dutch masters. You’ll also learn how to create rich tones using a limited color palette, and how to make the transition from oil or watercolor to acrylic.
This class will cover the following acrylic techniques:
- Layering in glazes, and combining opaque and transparent painting
- Best practices for planning and preparation
- Preparing surfaces for acrylic
- How to use photo references correctly
Find out more about this workshop
Workshop duration: July 23, 24, 30, 31, 2016 (10am-4pm)
Level: some painting experience necessary
Register for this workshop (Maximum class enrollment is 6)
Cost: $215 per first time student (all materials included) $175 per repeat student
Register for this workshop Maximum class enrollment is 7 2 spots left
Artful Sketchbooks 8/6 and 8/7 10am to 4pm(no art experience necessary) 
Your sketchbooks can be the playground for your artistic inner child. A sketchbook is a great way to fit art into your busy life. In this workshop you will create artful sketchbook pages without too much effort, space, time, or material. In this workshop we will sketch, collage, paint, doodle, cut, and paste in sketchbooks, but most importantly we'll have fun!
Just bring yourself to the workshop, all materials are included.
Find out more about this workshop
Workshop duration: August 6 and 7, 2016 (10am-4pm)
Level: no painting or drawing experience necessary
Upcoming and Current Events
FourSquard, August 27th - September 24th, 2016 Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA
See my paintings in person Studio Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Have an art filled summer. Wayne Jiang http://waynejiang.com
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